Here is our series of Lent and Easter Reflections with C. S. Lewis. We'll offer a pithy quote, the reference for you to read more, and, even more importantly, scripture passages, one being verses from Psalms. We hope it will edify you as we prepare our hearts to celebrate the crucifixion of our Lord and Savior. If you want to join us on Facebook under the flag, “The Official C.S. Lewis Group”, we’re a bustling crew of 72,000 plus people and you are more than invited. Click here
Easter Morning
"Some people probably think of the Resurrection as a desperate last moment expedient to save the Hero from a situation which had got out of the Author’s control. The reader may set his mind at rest. If I thought miracles were like that, I should not believe in them. If they have occurred, they have occurred because they are the very thing this universal story is about. They are not exceptions (however rarely they occur) not irrelevancies. They are precisely those chapters in this great story on which the plot turns. Death and Resurrection are what the story is about; and had we but eyes to see it, this has been hinted on every page, met us, in some disguise, at every turn, and even been muttered in conversations between such minor characters (if they are minor characters) as the vegetables. If you have hitherto disbelieved in miracles, it is worth pausing a moment to consider whether this is not chiefly because you thought you had discovered what the story was really about?—that atoms, and time and space and economics and politics were the main plot? And is it certain you were right? It is easy to make mistakes in such matters. A friend of mine wrote a play in which the main idea was that the hero had a pathological horror of trees and a mania for cutting them down. But naturally other things came in as well; there was some sort of love story mixed up with it. And the trees killed the man in the end. When my friend had written it, he sent it an older man to criticise. It came back with the comment, ‘Not bad. But I’d cut out those bits of padding about the trees’. To be sure, God might be expected to make a better story than my friend. But it is a very long story, with a complicated plot; and we are not, perhaps, very attentive readers" (C.S. Lewis, Miracles).
Easter Morning
Scripture readings: Luke 24:1-53; Psalm 44:1-8
C. S. Lewis quote: The Last Battle
DAY 45
Scripture readings: Matthew 27:55-66; Psalm 2:1-12
C. S. Lewis quote: Collected Letters, 28 April 1960
DAY 44
Scripture readings: Matthew 27:1-54; Psalm 22:1-11
C. S. Lewis quote: Collected Letters, 9 May 1944
DAY 43
Scripture readings: John 13:1-11; Psalm 31:1-5
C. S. Lewis quote: Letters to Malcolm
DAY 42
Scripture readings: Luke 22:1-8; Psalm 141:1-10
C. S. Lewis quote: The Screwtape Letters
DAY 41
Scripture readings: Matthew 21:16-22; Psalm 105:23-45
C. S. Lewis quote: Miracles
DAY 40
Scripture readings: Luke 19:45-48; Psalm 25:8-22
C. S. Lewis quote: Reflections on the Psalms
DAY 39
Scripture readings: Luke 19: 26-46; Psalm 24:1-10
C. S. Lewis quote: The Problem of Pain
DAY 38
Scripture readings: Romans 3:19-26; Psalm 106:6-15
C. S. Lewis quote: Present Concerns
DAY 37
Scripture readings: Luke 9:21-26; Psalm 86:1-7
C. S. Lewis quote: Miracles
DAY 36
Scripture readings: 2 Peter 2:4-22; Psalm 55:15-19
C. S. Lewis quote: The Weight of Glory
DAY 35
Scripture readings: Jude 1:20-24; Psalm 25:8-11
C. S. Lewis quote: “The Trouble with ‘X’”
DAY 34
Scripture readings: Isaiah 55:8-13; Psalm 19:7-14
C. S. Lewis quote: Surprised by Joy
DAY 33
Scripture readings: Ephesians 4:7-13; Psalm 19:1-6
C. S. Lewis quote: Surprised by Joy
DAY 32
Scripture readings: Revelation 21:1-8; Psalm 40:1-5
C. S. Lewis quote: The Problem of Pain
DAY 31
Scripture readings: Isaiah 55:1-7; Psalm 37:23-26
C. S. Lewis quote: Collected Letters
DAY 30
Scripture readings: Hebrews 9:11-15; Psalm 23:1-6
C. S. Lewis quote: Launcelot
DAY 29
Scripture readings: Revelation 3:19-22; Psalm 78:23-39
C. S. Lewis quote: Poems
DAY 28
Scripture readings: Romans 8:14-25; Psalm 25: 1-7
C. S. Lewis quote: Miracles
DAY 27
Scripture readings: Hebrews 13:11-16; Psalm 116:1-7
C. S. Lewis quote: Surprised by Joy
DAY 26
Scripture readings: Matthew 13:18-26; Psalm 25:1-7
C. S. Lewis quote: Collected Letters, to Dr. Windell W. Watters from Magdalen College, October 25, 1951
DAY 25
Scripture readings: Matthew 11:25-30; Psalm 68:17-21
C. S. Lewis quote: The Weight of Glory
DAY 24
Scripture readings: Colossians 2:2-6; Psalm 140:1-8
C. S. Lewis quote: The Weight of Glory
DAY 23
Scripture readings: John 14:1-7; Psalm 139:7-12
C. S. Lewis quote: The Problem of Pain
DAY 22
Scripture readings: Isaiah 56:1-7; Psalm 27:4-9
C. S. Lewis quote: Mere Christianity
DAY 21
Scripture readings: Ephesians 5:1-6; Psalm 5:5-12
C. S. Lewis quote: The Four Loves
DAY 20
Scripture readings: Romans 8:26-34; Psalm 91:9-16
C. S. Lewis quote: The Weight of Glory
DAY 19
Scripture readings: Mark 8:34-9:1; Psalm 91:1-8
C. S. Lewis quote: Mere Christianity
DAY 18
Scripture readings: Hebrews 2:5-11; Psalm 8:1-9
C. S. Lewis quote: Mere Christianity
DAY 17
Scripture readings: Romans 8:26-39; Psalm 44:20-26
C. S. Lewis quote: English Literature in the Sixteenth Century Excluding Drama
DAY 16
Scripture readings: Luke 21:1-19; Psalm 102:1-11
C. S. Lewis quote: Present Concerns, “Three Kinds of Men”
DAY 15
Scripture readings: I John 1:5-10; Psalm 19:7-14
C. S. Lewis quote: The Weight of Glory
DAY 14
Scripture readings: Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 19:1-6
C. S. Lewis quote: Miracles
DAY 13
Scripture readings: I Corinthians 1:20-25; Psalm 74:12-17
C. S. Lewis quote: The World’s Last Night
DAY 12
Scripture readings: Ephesians 1:1-10; Psalm 2:1-12
C. S. Lewis quote: The Problem of Pain
DAY 11
Scripture readings: Ephesians 2:1-10; Psalm 50:1-6
C. S. Lewis quote: The Weight of Glory
DAY 10
Scripture readings: John 1:1-14; Psalm 34:1-14
C. S. Lewis quote: “On Stories”
Scripture readings: I Peter 3:18-22; Psalm 33:13-22
C. S. Lewis quote: Miracles
Scripture readings: Hebrews 12:1-13; Psalm 31:21-24
C. S. Lewis quote: Surprised by Joy
Scripture readings: I Corinthians 1:26-31; Psalm 97:1-7
C. S. Lewis quote: “Is Theology Poetry?”
Scripture readings: I John 4:7-16; Psalm 42:1-11
C. S. Lewis quote: “Dogma and the Universe”
Scripture readings: Philippians 2:1-11; Psalm 18:6-11
C. S. Lewis quote: Mere Christianity
Scripture readings: Matthew 25:31-46; Psalm 67:1-7
C. S. Lewis quote: Reflections of the Psalms
Scripture readings: Matthew 5:43-48; Psalm 19:1-8
C.S. Lewis quote: Mere Christianity
Scripture readings: Romans 8:22-27; Psalm 1:1-3
C. S. Lewis quote: Miracles
Scripture readings: Matthew 11:27-30; Psalm 90:1-6
C. S. Lewis quote: The Four Loves