by Zach Kincaid
When the couple leaves the garden, the Lord overshadows them with skins of animals. Covered by the stories filled with lamb’s blood, unleavened bread, and miraculous deliverance, his people leave slavery in Egypt. The Lord overshadows them with a cloud to guide their way through a gloomy land thick with darkness. He envelops them even in the valley of the shadow of death, so no evil is feared (Gen. 3:21; Ex. 13:21; Job 10:22; Ps. 23:4).
He knows that the land of gloom is thick with darkness, like deep shadow without any order. He envelops them in the valley of the shadow of death, so no evil is feared. He will be their comforter and protector (Job 10:22; Psalm 23:4).
Like a hen overshadows her chicks under her wings, his love abides. Take refuge in his shadow until the storm stops raging and songs of joy return with redemption in hand, because those living in darkness, where shadows deepen into black holes, have seen a great light dawning, now made bright again. (Ruth 3:9-10; Ps. 36:7, 57:1, 63:7; Matt. 4:16, 23:37)
God sends out Gabriel with a message. Taken from a scene in the Holy of Holies where angels overshadow the mercy seat of God, the power of the Most High overshadows a young girl with the miracle of a virgin birth. She will be called blessed for all generations for she is the mother of God. Light enters the world and the shadows hide away. Angels fill the skies and stars fall to adore the God made flesh, God from God, true God from true God, dwelling among us, Christ the Lord. (Ex. 25:20; 37:9; I Kings 8:7; Matt. 2:2; Luke 1: 35, 48; John 1; Heb. 9:5)
The stories and instructions of old are only a shadow of what Jesus reveals as God incarnate. He dies, is buried in the shadow of the earth and bodily rises from the dead... because he loves the world and longs to save it. So, come and be whole. He doesn’t shift around like shadows, but holds true to his promises. He invites all who are weary into his kingdom, where the stuff of earth becomes like a shadow, where time surrenders to eternity and the shadow of death is finally defeated. (Ps. 144:4; Lam. 4:20; Hos. 14:7; Lk. 1:79; Jn 3:16; Acts 5:15; Heb. 8:5; 10:1; Jam. 1:17; Col. 2:17)
Fall into his shadow and find shelter (Ps. 91:1; Ez. 31:6).