by Zach Kincaid
The desert of unprophetic years turns on a moment. It catches stars and pulls them in close like a surgeon caring for a dying patient. An angel descends looking for a certain teenage girl named Mary. When he locates her, she is startled by his appearance and his announcement. The nature of the news invites her to question,
How will this be? That the God of all the universe finds me to carry the God of all the universe inside me?
Heaven’s son breathes in the night air for the first time, pulling it into his tiny lungs as he cries and coos. If you have ears to hear, listen to the audible sounds of God as creation holds its Creator. Joseph helps Jesus to latch onto Mary and he tears up,
How can this be? That the God of all the universe needs me to carry the God of all the universe close in to feed?
The sky crowds with angelic hosts as the eighth day of creation dawns. It invites the humans to a fuller story of grace upon grace. As the angels herald Messiah come, each one longs to understand such a mystery –
How might this be? That the God of all the universe sends me to carry the God of all the universe to all these He will redeem?
Shepherds run one to another comparing their stories. They decide to go and see if all they heard rings true because tonight must surely be different from all other nights. Still glowing in the wonderment of the message, one blurts out in an excited tone,
How might this be? That the God of all the universe calls me to carry the God of all the universe wrapped up in great rejoicing?
The Creator is swaddled in the garments of his creation, lying in a manger. The ragamuffin troup tries to fathom how God from God, light from light, the Word made flesh is right in front of them. And every person is bid, come, lean in close… and ask,
How could this be? That the God of all the universe wants me to carry the God of all the universe until all will see that He alone is King.
And Mary asks, “How will this be?” To which the angel responds, “Nothing will be impossible with God.” - Luke 1:34,37